The criteria you have listed does not register a unique property at this time so please try another search or contact one of our rental consultants.
We have new properties coming online daily so we may be in the process of uploading a new property or we would be happy to source a property that suits your needs.
Many thanks to all of you, you've been wonderful to work with all these 7 years. I will miss that wonderful rush of arriving at YVR airport from Boston, traveling to Pender St, and walking through the door of my apartment to see that everything looked so clean and well maintained. Thank you so much!
At Unique Accommodations we apply our Four Key Service System to ensure your complete satisfaction. Upon first contact, we.. Read More
No, there is no charge to a tenant to view any of our properties. We are paid through the fees collected from our owners once a property is rented. Read More
The best time of year to move is in the winter if you want a bigger range of inventory in the industry.